Doctor Ox's Experiment

Doctor Ox's Experiment


Жюль Верн

Аудио ном:

2 цаг 12 мин


₮ 25,500

(Хязгааргүй сонсох 1 сарын эрх)

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл


Doctor Ox arrives at an extremely quiet and slow Flemish town. There, people don’t argue, shout, run, or do anything at a normal pace. Dr. Ox offers to light up the town with gas, but has other plans in mind. Pretending to set up a new hydrogen-oxygen lighting system, he observes the effects on plants, animals, and humans as he releases pure oxygen into the air.

Номыг сонссоноор

Get to know the French writer Jules Verne, the third most translated author Experience a science fiction story imagined by a late 19th-century writer Adventure through a novel often referred to as the “Father of Science Fiction”

Сонсоход тохиромжтой хүмүүс

For those in need of a short, humorous science fiction novel Science fiction fans

Жюль Верн

Жюль Верн

Санал болгох



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